This is a story about the adventures of a lost kid named Grik, who just also happens to be a  GIANT! It takes place in an enchanted world called Myrr, a place where the ordinary can sometimes turn into something extraordinary!

Grik is joined by a group of friends who try to help him:

  • Gaby the Brightling
  • Cass the Apprentice Ranger
  • Niss the Gallentree Elf
  • Stump the Aushelm Dwarf

Along the way, the group learns that they must work together as a team to overcome obstacles. And they’ll each level-up their abilities, as well as their friendship, eventually leading Grik to his home and revealing the mystery of the legendary world of Giants.

The story is inspired by several things:

  • The literature, animations, games, and worlds of fantasy and fairy tales.
  • The thrill and child-like wonder of discovering the world through friendship, nature, and all of the world’s magic.
  • The tropes and role-playing devices used in gaming—of receiving a quest and going on adventures with friends—where anything is possible with the roll of the dice!
  • The opportunity to unite generations of fantasy lovers through a narrative that can be enjoyed together.

But most importantly, this story is about the journey of a group of friends as they each discover their true purpose during very uncertain times!